Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly Schedule for the week of 9/20/10 - 9/24/10

Note: This is a plan we hope to follow. If students have problems with the material, and re-teaching is indicated, this schedule may not be met as indicated here.

Mon, 9/20/10 - Tues, 9/21/10:
-students will finish the worksheet "Identifying Parts of an Investigation"
-students will take a quiz on the Scientific Method, based on the notes the were provided
-notetaking on- direct and inverse relationships within data analysis
data analysis methods - mean, median, mode
fact, theory, law
Wed, 9/22/10 - Thurs, 9/23/10:
-students will work on "Buckle Down: AIMS Prep Workbook - pgs. 4-18
readings and questions will be done in pairs
-work will be due at the end of class on Thurs, 9/23/10
Fri, 9/24/10:
-Students will be presented with the laboratory question "Which cleanser removes bacteria more thoroughly during hand washing? Is it soap and water or a hand sanitizer?
-Students will design and carry out a research protocol to find the answer to this question.
-Lab report due Mon., 9/27/10

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