Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lesson Plans
Ms. Friedman
Week_____9/27/10 -10/1 10_______________________________________________________________

Day of the Week
Teacher Objective
AZ Science Standards
Performance Objectives
Student Activity

Monday -finish,and submit
Designing a Lab #1
-continue work on AIMS
review #1

1/1/PO 1-4
1/2/PO 1-5
1/3/PO1-2 -use scientific method to analyze data and draw a conclusion
-analyze scientific case studies to evaluate the reliability, or lack of, in scientific studies -study notes
-finish lab report; due: Tues 9/ 28

Tuesday -finish work on AIMS review #1
-go over AIMS review #1 1/1/PO 1-4
1/3/PO 1-7 -use text and whole group analysis of research studies to evaluate the reliability of research reports -study notes

Wednesday -go over AIMS review #1 1/1/PO 1-4
1/3/PO 1-7 -use text and whole group analysis of research studies to evaluate the reliability of research reports -study notes

Thursday -go over AIMS review #1 1/1/PO 1-4
1/3/PO 1-7 -use text and whole group analysis of research studies to evaluate the reliability of research reports -study notes
-Aims review due: Fri, 10/1

Friday teaching/discussion:
validity/reliability tests of research 1/3/PO 2-4 -read research reports
-evaluate how research met, or did not meet, research protocols -study notes

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