Saturday, October 9, 2010

Weekly Plans - 10/11/10-10/15/10

Lesson Plans
Ms. Friedman
Week - 10/11/10-10/15/10

Day Teacher Objective AZ Sci Stds Student Activity Homework
Activity Performance Objective Classwork

-discuss sci. method test- 1/3/PO6 -make plans to come in during lunch -study scientific method
show scores/lunch corrections 1/4/PO1,2 correct test for ½ credit notes
-teaching/disc/notetaking: -take notes; instructor & student ques.
Mon data analysis-mean, median,mode
line,bar,circle graphs

-teaching/disc/notetaking: 1/3/PO1-4 -take notes; instructor & student ques. -study scientific method
+ & - relationships notes
Tues stem & leaf plots
how to evaluate research
pure/applied science
-PSAT testing – I proctor 1/3/PO6 -students will use notes, and work -finish worksheet
-worksheets-mean, median, mode individually to complete worksheet -due: Thurs., 10/14

-AIMS workbook-pgs. 4-18 1/1/PO1-4 -students will, in pairs, share book -study scientific method
scientific method/research analysis 1/3/PO2-4 -answers to book will be done notes
Thurs individually

-AIMS workbook-pgs. 4-18 1/1/PO1-4 -students will, in pairs, share book -due: end of class
scientific method/research analysis 1/3/PO2-4 -answers to book will be done


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