Sunday, September 12, 2010

Academy of Tucson High School


Ms. Friedman

Welcome aboard!

Remember, this is a transition time for you. Please let me help! Make an after school appointment if I can do anything to help enhance your success here at The Academy of Tucson.

Things to Do

-Sign laboratory safety handout, once you've understood it and agree to abide by it's guidelines.

Show signatures to instructor so you will be allowed to do labs.

-Text signout procedures

-sign your name, in ink, in the inside front cover of text

-fill out the "book issuance agreement form" completely

-list all damages to text on "book issuance agreement form"

-any damages not listed will be charged to you at the end of the year

-submit the completed book form to instructor before taking the text out of classroom

-Textbooks must be covered at all times

Materials to Bring to Class Every Day

1.) 3 ring notebook -

Sections in the 3 ring notebook:


One section for each topic we study

2.) Textbook

3.) Paper, pens and pencils - BRING EVERY DAY!!!

Course Requirements

-Participation in class

-Read over/study notes - every night

-Homework, Lab Reports, Quizzes, Tests

Grading Policy

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70=79

D = 60=69

F = below 60

Academy of Tucson High School
Ms. Friedman Course Rules and Guidelines

Welcome to the Academy and to this science course! I truly wish you success and enjoyment as we investigate the natural world that we live in. I encourage you to bring up any interests or concerns that you may have since, together, we can do more than either of us can do alone. I really want to be available to help you in any way that I can, so please provide me with the opportunity to do so!
Guidelines For Class
-Please be in your assigned seat, ready to begin work, when the late bell rings. Generally there is much to do, especially on lab days. Therefore, whatever is not completed in class must be done as homework. So, let’s use every minute of our time together and save our evenings as much as possible. A tardy, and lunch detention, will be assigned if this does not occur.
-Please remember that we all just want to have a nice, pleasant day together. Therefore, we MUST BE SUPPORTIVE OF EACH OTHER AT EVERY MOMENT! Everyone has the right to their questions, comments and opinions, even though we may not agree with’s OK! The world is made up of many different people and that is what makes our existence so interesting! So, during discussion, labs, and everything else, say something nice or nothing at all!
-Please bring your notebook and planner to class EVERY DAY! I will check planners at the beginning and at the end of class. I know, for me, that if there are many things to remember, I’ll forget most of them. My effort in checking your planner is only to help you in getting papers in on time so you can get wonderful grades that you and your parents/guardians will be very happy about. I know that both you and I will feel so happy at the end of the year when you’ve gotten all your high school credits and can move on to a higher level of your education.
-You will have two passes each quarter to leave our classroom. I would hope that you would save them for emergencies, such as going to the restroom, etc. If you waste your passes on going to your locker, then you will have no passes to go to the restroom! So, if a certain assignment is due on a particular day, I will accept it for full credit up to 3:30 PM of the same day, so that you don’t have to waste your passes on going to your locker!
-I know that, as high school students, you really can control your own behavior. If you are driving your own car, I will not be there to insist that you stop for a red light! So, please, make your behavior in class highly appropriate to our everyday situations! If you have problems doing this, then I will step in! When I get involved, I will need time to speak with you in order to learn why you feel you can disrupt the learning of others and to learn how I can help you to realize that you cannot impact others in this way. I will also talk with you about how your actions to disrupt a class also hurts your ability to learn, progress, succeed and shine in your own future life. If these things occur, please know that I am willing to speak with you during lunch time , and to speak with your parents/ guardians, if need be. Please know that we all truly want you to be the best you could ever be! So, in summary, just know that we, as teachers, have the vision to see you beyond where you are now. We see your potential and we will do all we can to help you see the phenomenal vision of your future for yourself.

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